2020 Meetings
Connectivity Info:
(always the same unless otherwise specified)
Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/839261919 (PASSWORD REQUIRED as of May 2020- Members please check your email for information on how to join with a password)
Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 839 261 919
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aATjRIkDq
Meeting Times:
2:00pm-3:15pm ET - 1:00pm-2:15pm CT - 12:00pm-1:15 pm MT - 11:00am-12:15pm PT
Meeting Dates/Topics/Agendas/Notes:
If you have requests/suggestions for the meeting agenda please email Sarah Nichols at snichols@illinoiseitraining.org.
1/21/20 - Topic: Evaluating Evidence-Informed Professional Development - Agenda & Meeting Notes
3/17/20 - Topic - Responding to COVID-19 - Agenda/Meeting Notes - Resources developed as a result of this meeting include: COVID-19 Resources & Supports for PD Providers, Tips for Using Zoom Breakout Rooms, and a Compilation of Telehealth Resources (note these were developed prior to the launch of the ECTA Center web page on remote service delivery and distance learning and have not been updated since the ECTA Center page launched)
5/19/20 - Topic - Planning/Preparing for the Future of PD During COVID-19 - Agenda - Meeting Notes - Virtual Engagement Strategies (new interactive document developed as a result of our discussion to collect and share ideas/strategies/tools)
7/21/20 - Proposed Topic - Virtual Engagement Strategies - Meeting Agenda/Notes
9/15/20 - Meeting Agenda - Meeting Notes
11/17/20 - Meeting Agenda/Notes - November Updates (NEW)
Archived Meetings:
2019 Meetings
2018 Meetings
2017 Meetings
2016 Meetings
2013-2015 Meetings
2010-2012 Meetings
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