**Added September 10, 2023
Early Intervention Caregiver Coaching Crosswalk: This tool can be used to help professionals understand the various coaching frameworks/models and how language may be similar (and sometimes different) as we work to promote the use of evidenced-based coaching practices.
**Added January 20, 2023
Professional Development Survey Questions and Assessment Bank: Have some good examples of post event survey/needs assessment questions that you think others could benefit from? Seeking ideas for what questions you could/should be asking? Check out the PD Survey Questions and Assessment Bank and add or borrow from it as you see fit.
** Added December 15, 2022
Family/Professional Telehealth Stories: The Early Intervention/Early Childhood Professional Development Community of Practice (EI-EC PD CoP) Family/Professional Stories Subgroup formed to explore ways to gather and preserve historical information including family and professional stories around their experiences with tele-intervention during and after the pandemic. This resource includes audio clips from families and professionals regarding their use of tele-intervention in early intervention. The clips can be used in a variety of ways. Some examples include: 1) the clips may be embedded into professional development resources you produce, 2) the content may be used in your newsletter or announcements for collaborative partners, families, or personnel, 3) the clips can be used as the basis for discussion or reflection in a professional development opportunity, a mentoring session, or you can use these to develop possible reflection questions for those you are supervising.
** Added November 2021
- Observation Tools Being Used to Assess/Monitor Virtual EI Practices - EI-EC PD CoP members are invited to share existing resources/tools they are using to assess and/or monitor EI practices delivered in a virtual format (e.g. telehealth, tele-intervention, live video visits, etc.)
- This is how you know EI is for you! - Most states/programs have public awareness materials (e.g. videos, flyers, infographics) that describe EI and the EI-EC PD CoP would like to know how these are being updated/adapted as a result of the pandemic. EI-EC PD CoP members are invited to share the materials used within their programs to educate/inform families, professionals, and EI providers about what EI is (and what it isn't) so families can make informed decisions can be made about their participation in the program and professionals can ensure it is the right career path.
**Added June 2021
Capturing Family/Professional Pandemic Stories: Telehealth/Live Video Visit Questions/Prompts
The Family/Professional Pandemic Stories Subgroup created a list of questions that could be used by states, territories, and/or programs as telehealth/live video visit stories are collected from families, early interventionists, or other early childhood personnel. Questions may be used as is or modified for a specific purpose/context. Some examples for how these questions may be used include a survey, interview, or focus group format.
**Added March 2021
In August 2020 a survey was completed to identify silver linings, challenges, and potential solutions to challenges faced during COVID-19 (including system changes that we'd like to see as a result of what has been learned). Here are the findings and tools EI-EC PD CoP members may use to help share these findings and work to identify future solutions within their states/programs/territories.
EI Inquiry - Overcoming Challenges During COVID-19 Survey Findings
EI Inquiry - Overcoming Challenges During COVID-19 Infographic and its sample distribution letter
** Added September 2020
- EI Video Reflection Activity - In an effort to support those who lead, prepare or supervise professionals using virtual home visits this tool was created to help implement evidence-informed professional development practices with videos developed by Larry Edelman, Early Childhood Consultant.
- Virtual Engagement Strategies - interactive google doc to help us organize ways we engage with others we teach and/or lead in virtual environments and a non-interactive version to share with supervisors at local program levels learning to engage/lead staff in a virtual setting: Virtual Engagement Strategies for Supervisors
- Reflective Activities - interactive google doc to help us organize meaningful reflective activities we are using within virtual meetings. Please add reflective activities with instructions for how to facilitate them if you have some examples you are willing to share!
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